The Hanseatic city of Rostock is a lively and child-friendly harbour city on the Baltic Sea. Rostock University Medical Centre ( is the maximum care provider for the Rostock region, a growth region with great potential.
The research team for Interdisciplinary Research on Health Equity in Childhood and Adolescence at Rostock University Medical Centre is part of the new German Centre for Child and Adolescent Health (DZKJ), site Greifswald/Rostock. The DZKJ promotes the health of children and adolescents through interdisciplinary research at seven locations in Germany. The research team has expertise in interdisciplinary health research and method development with international profile and impact, and leads large international research consortia.
We are looking for a full-time researcher (f/m/d) to join our research team as soon as possible (40 hours/week), initially limited to 2 years with the possibility of extension for a further 3 years and paid according to TV-L.
For further information please contact:
Antonia Fröhlich
Tel: 0381 - 494 4617
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